Tombstone Tuesday, week 2

More of my collection of family tombstones.
My husband's Great-grandparents. Frederick  Christopher Sigrist, born 18 September 1858 in Germany, died 29 June 1919. Mary Ann (nee Hudson) Sigrist, born circa 1857 in England, died 14 April 1934. They are buried at Rookwood, NSW.

Ralph Millar, born circa 1842, (possibly England), died 18 August 1911 and is buried in the Tamworth Presbyterian Cemetery. Ralph was a beekeeper and the father of Edith Magill. 

My Great-grandfather, Thomas Abberton, born circa 1830, in Galway, Ireland, died 22 July 1901. He is buried in the Kenmore Cemetery, Goulburn. Note the large empty space at the bottom of the stone. His wife, Mary (nee Torpy) is said to be buried with him. She was also born in Galway, Ireland in 1834 and died in Sydney, NSW in 1914.

Bye for now,


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