April 28 X is for X


I found that trying to do something that started with X hard.   So I thought that I would do X .

X is the 24th letter of the English alphabet.  This poor little letter  starts the least amount of words, in the dictionary. I could only find one first name, Xavier, starting with it.  I couldn't find any surnames that start with it. Poor little X!

But without X we wouldn't have excitement, exclaim, exclude, explore or extreme. These are just a few of the words that X is a big part of.

What would an x-ray be without X, just a little ray!

Semaphore X-ray.svg
This is semaphore for X.

ICS X-ray.svg
This is the signal flag for X.

So let us not forget X but celebrate its uniqueness.

Bye for now,


  1. You show that you don't have to write at length to create an interesting and informative post. This year is the first in all the years of doing the A-Z challenge where I have not resorted to eX words and there are so many of them!

    Thank you for your comments on my A-Z entries.
    Family History Fun

  2. Just remembered my daughter had a classmate - Xanthe


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