April 16 - N is for Norfolk Island

Discovered in 1774, by Captain Cook,  Norfolk Island was first ‘settled’ in 1788, when six women and nine male convicts, and eight free men, from the First Fleet, were sent there. This settlement lasted until 1814. The next settlement was 1825 until 1855. The third settlement was from 8 June 1856  and is still going today.

Paul and I spent an idyllic  week there in  May 2008. We explored this tiny, 34.62km, island has some beautiful scenery, crystal blue water, lush greenery and historical buildings make it a great destination.

                                       Just some of the beautiful places of Norfolk Island.

Bye for now,



  1. Beautiful! I love being near the water. There is something so peaceful about it, even when it is raging.

  2. Another place I'm ashamed to say I haven't visited.


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