April 13 - K is for Knitting

Knitting is one of my hobbies. It is something my mother taught me, as a child but not something I enjoyed until I started work. What better way to fill in your train travel time, than to knit or read. Reading was my summer choice, knitting my winter one.

I've knitted for my nieces and nephews, my own children and now my grandchildren. I've also developed a love of knitting socks. The are fun, funky and very easy to knit. In the last few years I've also knitted tea cosies and scarfs.

Here is a selection of what I've knitted.

Do you knit? Who taught you? What do you enjoy knitting?

Jumper for James.

Baby jacket.

Socks, for me.

Mittens for a granddaughter.

This is some of what I've been knitting. The blanket is nearly finished, just the sides to sew on.

Bye for now,


  1. Mum taught me to knit and I did make some things for me and my then little daughters in the cold climate of the PNG Highlands. As my grandchildren live in the tropics I've not needed to knit for ages.

    I may have to take up some crafty things with my knitting mate.

  2. Mum was a great knitter and I've dabbled. I started to knit for the grandchildren but they don't seem to want handknits any more.

  3. My Mom taught me to knit and I love it, but it seems if I start a big sweater project I never get it finished. Well, not quite true, I finished 2, 1 for each of my parents and they wore those sweaters forever.
    I used to knit little clothes for my daughters' dolls. Now I knit dolls and toys for y grandchildren. And because I like to. Where we winter for a few months there are wild donkeys that roam through the park, and I started knitting little donkeys to give to the my friends' grandkids when they came to visit. Donkeys with little colourful jaunty hats!


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