
Showing posts with the label Immigration

SAG Lost In Immigration and Travel Weekend Day 2

I spent the night in the city and was up early for a lovely walk through the Royal Botanical Gardens. This was the view from my room. Something that you don't usually see, Phillip Street, looking back towards Elizabeth Street, with NO traffic! It was sooooooo quiet. Looking from the entrance, on Shakespeare Place, towards Farm Cove. Except for the noisy ibis, it was still and quite.   Heather Garnsey, Executive Officer of SAG, was today's MC. Ralph Hawkins,  Archives Officer of SAG, presented, in his usual engaging style, an excellent talk on. Immigration through the SAG Collection.  This was Ralph's opening slide. Who remembers this TV show?   Christine Yeats was next with her wonderful talk, called,   Having an exile on my tree, I found the information, Christine gave, very informative and I'm going to do some more research in to Simon. I was surprised that I was the only person, in the room, with an exile.   ...

SAG's Lost In Immigration And Travel Weekend, Day 1

The sky was a beautiful blue, the sun was shining and here I was, with around 90 other people, embarking on a weekend of genealogy! The Society of Australian Genealogists, run these 'Lost In' weekends, most years, either in the Dixson Room, in the Mitchell Library or in country NSW. The last one was a weekend of webinars, several months ago. After Martyn Killion welcomed us to the day, our first speaker was Michelle Patient, with the topic, Exodus to the South Seas. With so much to cover, it was done in two sessions, with morning tea in between. This is Michelle, getting into her talk. I love attending her talks as she presents in an engaging way. This was taken, just before the day began. Jill Ball is in the front.     Emily Hanna was after Kerry but I've got the photos in the wrong order! Emily is from NSW State Records and she explained what types of records were held and how to access them. Another lot of information, I didn't fully know a...