
Showing posts with the label Adelaide Botanic Gardens

What we have been doing.

Saturday saw us in at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. What a restful spot. We meandered along, stopping so I could take photos or describe something for Paul. Our first treat was the rainforest centre, and this little chap, popped up and allowed me to take a snap. Sunday was lunch, with family at the Esplanade Hotel, Brighton. The weathe was atrocious and here is a view of Brighton Jetty. Monday's weather was a bit better and we drove to Port Adelaide and had a look around, then continued south as far as Hallett Cove, stopping for quick photos, between showers. This part of the coastline is so beautiful. We followed the coast road. We are going to walk this park, Thursday as the weather is promising to be sunny. Yesterday, Tuesday and again we went south. This time to Noralanga(sp) and then across to Maclaran Vale. Freezing and wet but we got to see some of the area. Today was wonderful. Sunny and cool, so we went to Mount Lofty Botanic Ga...