
Showing posts with the label generations

How many have I found????

Some of my friends have worked out how many direct ancestors they have found, back to 10 generations. I looked at mine and knew that I couldn't go back that far, so worked out how many, to 7 generations.  I don't think that I have done to poorly, in tracing them. I know that some don't want to be found and some , most likely, never will be found but it is fun trying. GENERATION RELATIONSHIP #IN GENERATION # IDENTIFIED % IDENTIFIED 1 Self 1 1 100 2 Parents 2 2 100 3 Grandparents 4 4 100 4 Great Grandparents 8 8 100 5 Great Great Grandparents 16 16 100 6 3x Great Grandparents 32 10   31.25 7 4x Great Grandparents 64 2     3.125                                         TOTA...