Have I found them?????
I my previous blog post, Theory , I speculated that the parents of Margaret Kidston NICOL, were John NICOL and Janet GRAY. Well… The spelling of NICOL has been consistent in the documents I have found but some trees and documents have had the spelling NICHOL. I search using both spellings. Research Question. Who are the parents of Margaret Kidston NICOL born 1820? What I found. Well scrap the year of birth. I really should stick to what is in front of me and really review the documents. Like: ALL the census records, on Scotland’s People, from 1851 through to 1891 have Margaret’s place of birth as being Gargunnock, Stirlingshire, with her age range being from 36 in 1851 to 76 in 1891. Making a year of birth being 1816. Her 1893 death certificate has her age as 79, and no place of birth. Making the year of birth as 1816. I found a birth for Margaret NICHOL, daughter of John NICHOL and Margaret ROBERTSON in 1816 in Stirling. On Margaret’s marri...