
Showing posts with the label India

A-Z Blogging Challenge D is for Darjeeling

                                                             Darjeeling. Now you might think that Darjeeling is a good name for tea but on my family tree I have two Darjeelings. The first is an Aunt, who married  my Uncle Fred and the second is their  daughter, Darjeeling, who only lived a few days. So where does the name come from?  I looked in my names book, with no success, so I've turned to the internet to see what I can find. This is what I found, but I'm not sure it could apply to a name; The  name  ' Darjeeling 'came from the Tibetan words,'dorje'meaning thunderbolt (originally the scepter of Indra) and 'ling'a place or land, hence 'the land of the thunderbolt'. A land-mark year in the History of  Darjeeling was  1835, but i...