
Showing posts with the label A-Z Blogging Challenge

A New Year, what will it bring???

 Today is day 5 of 2022 and I am wondering if it will be 'better' than both 2021 and 2020? Friends have said that they aren't going to set goals, for this year as they don't want the pressure, to meet them and I agree. This year I'm not doing the Goodreads Challenge, I won't do the A-Z Blogging Challenge, and I'm not setting any goals. Why, because I feel pressured to finish what I've started and that brings stress and that is something I've had enough of. So for 2022, I've chosen a word,  RECHARGE.      I want to stop and smell the roses, I want to not worry about finishing something in a certain timeframe and I want to RECHARGE myself. I still have plans, two subjects to do, starting in February, a jumper to finish, (or not) for this winter, some sewing to do, a stack of books to read, (when I feel like it). So what will 2022 bring?  I don't know and I don't care. I will do my best to have a safe, happy, wonderful year and if crap stuff...

A -Z Blogging Challenge Theme Reveal. 2021

This year I've taken up the challenge to blog every day, except Sunday's throughout April. Yep that's 26 posts on my theme.  This year I'm going to to do    NAMES HANGING ON MY FAMILY TREE. As a genealogist I come across interesting and unusual first name and though I would discover the meaning, origin and history of 26 of them.

What to blog about in 2019????

This year I did 12 Ancestors in 12 Months and foud it fun. I also did my own version of the A-Z Challenge and found it became tedious.  So what theme should I go with in 2019? I have had two different thoughts, both can be done ahead of time and scheduled, as I'm away a bit next year and they are both different. This is where I need your input, please. Theme/Idea 1 - A Place a Month. Somewhere, where either an ancestor lived or worked. This might work but I'll have to really see what I have on some of the places. Theme/Idea 2 - A Book a Month. Different books that I have enjoyed or found useful, with my research. I love reading, so this wouldn't be a hardship to do. I suppose I could do both! I'd still blog the other things, like trips and courses. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks, Lilian.                                              Ca...

A-Z Blogging Challenge, DONE!!!

I hope you have enjoyed my A-Z Blogging Challenge and my spin on it, being Genealogy. It was hard work but fun.  Some of the days were easy to think of and find things to write about, other days were a struggle. Would I do it again?    NO! I did the April one several years ago and now did my own this year, so that's all folks! Bye for now, Lilian.