What to blog about in 2019????

This year I did 12 Ancestors in 12 Months and foud it fun. I also did my own version of the A-Z Challenge and found it became tedious. 

So what theme should I go with in 2019?

I have had two different thoughts, both can be done ahead of time and scheduled, as I'm away a bit next year and they are both different. This is where I need your input, please.

Theme/Idea 1 - A Place a Month. Somewhere, where either an ancestor lived or worked.

This might work but I'll have to really see what I have on some of the places.

Theme/Idea 2 - A Book a Month. Different books that I have enjoyed or found useful, with my research.

I love reading, so this wouldn't be a hardship to do.

I suppose I could do both!

I'd still blog the other things, like trips and courses.

Please let me know your thoughts.

                                             Callan Park, where my Great-grandmother spent time.


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