Accentuate the Positive 2018

Reflecting on a great year.

1  1) An elusive ancestor I found was, none this year. I mostly added new information, to the ones I have.

2   2)   A great newspaper article I found was a small piece that commented on the passing of my uncle Thomas J Abberton, in World War 2. It was in the Forbes paper and said that he could yodel.

3    3) A geneajourney I took was a road trip to Ballarat, Victoria. While I was there I searched rate notice books, tramped the cemetery and wandered the street where they lived.

4    4) An important record I found was the Scottish 1841 census, for Samuel Galbraith. Inching back further in time.

5     5) A newly found family member shared, he is an old family member but we had lost touch. He shared trial information about our mutual ancestor, Simon Grant.
6       6) A geneasurprise I received was, meeting a new cousin at the SAG Lost in DNA weekend. I also had an email from another cousin, in New Zealand, who had read my blog and made contact.

7      7)  My 2018 blog post I was particularly proud of was SAG Writing Discussion Group, 8 February. Chris Goopey shared it on her Friday Fossicking blog.
8     8)   I made a new genimate who?  I made new friends at Congress 2018, does that count?

9      9)  A new piece of technology I mastered, (sort of), is my new laptop. Still got some things I need to figure out.

 10)  I joined the Botany Bay Family History Society and became the General Secretary.

1     11)  A genealogy event from which I learnt something new was Congress 2018, with GEDmatch: Wonderful Helping Hand for Genetic Genealogists, by Helen V Smith, being just one of them.
1     12) A blogpost that taught me something new was, this year I’ve ‘discovered’ blogs from different people such as Duncan Grant. His blog is about the churches of Tasmania and is wonderful. It can be found here

1    13) A DNA discovery I made was, I helped a cousin find her Dad’s birth family, all by making a phone call.

1   14) I taught a genimate to, I didn’t but Danielle helped me with an Excel spread sheet, on my DNA results.
1    15) A brick wall I demolished was, still chipping away at some on the Abberton side.

1     16) A great site I visited was  Voommaps.  Lots of really useful maps.  Thanks Sharn White, for the link.
        17) A new genealogy/history book I enjoyed was Lisa Louise Cooke’s The Genealogist’s Google Toolbox. I’m having fun ‘playing’ with different things.

1      18) It was exciting to finally meet Catlin Gow, from Queensland, who had been a Facebook friend for ages.
1    19) I am excited for 2019 because I’m going to The Genealogy Show in Birmingham, UK and then going traveling, to see ancestral places.

2      20) Another positive I would like to share is, the connections, that belonging to the Genealogy Family bring. Quick messages, posts asking for help, sharing news, all make this journey a wonderful experience.


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