
Showing posts with the label Picton Patchwork

Quilt Retreat. Friday 28 April, Day 1

Up early and got myself organised to head of to Quilt Retreat, at lunchtime. After walk down the street, with my darling husband for coffee and cake, then getting the mail, I packed the car and I was away. I did get an exciting email, just before I left, about the book, so it will be printed, soon. First stop was Waterfall and I transferred my stuff into Lorraine's car and our weekend of fun began. Travelling down the M1 or Princes Highway, for those of use who remember it's name, we took the Picton Road exit. Our aim was to join the M5 or the Hume Highway but a strange thing happened to the car as we neared the turnoff! It went straight ahead and we ended up in the car park of Picton Patchwork shop!  (no vehicle was hurt in this manoeuvre but our wallets were.) Picton Patchwork shop is a dream and Robyn and her husband are great. I needed a acrylic template of a certain size, so I could sew a couple of small quilts, not only was he able to cut it for me but he also cut ...

Shopping in Picton.

Earlier in 2016 Picton suffered floods and a large number of businesses where inundated. The King George Pub, where I have enjoyed lunch, was still closed today, as were several other places. One business, that suffered was a toy shop, The Kids Cottage, Shop 11/150 Argyle Street Picton, 2571.     This place is amazing and today myself, my two daughters and my grandson payed it a visit. James' eyes lit up, when we entered as there was so much to see and for a three year old James had his birthday voucher to spend and with his Aunts help he found this game. It is similar to UNO but if you happen to press the fart button, one to many times, it makes fart noises. Hilarious. He couldn't stop laughing. He was able play the game and was soon understanding the various cards. While they were bust shopping, I went to a quilt shop. Picton Patchwork is near Maccas but if you were to blink, you would miss the 'Golden Arch', as it is s...