
Showing posts with the label Pell

July Research

 July's research was going really well and then I decided to expand the branches I was researching.  I originally started the month looking for more information on the family of Mary Ann Abberton and John McLaughlin. They had six children, Sarah, Elizabeth, John, Eveline, Stanley and Francis.  Francis caused the first problem, when several trees had him as a her! Francis is the masculine form and Frances is the female form. Francis is very much a male. His marriage also gave me some confusion as there were two Francis McLaughlin's married between 1923 and 1925. Much digging and the purchase of a death certificate gave me the correct marriage, 1925. Sarah was next to cause problems, she married a SMITH and according to some people died in 1906. Well thankfully for me Sarah married Oswald Smith and I was able to trace them. The death was for a different Sarah Smith, I'm still looking for my one. The other children were easy to research and I've been able to add more lines...

Family Friday, Frances Maria Abberton

                                             Frances Maria/Marie Abberton.     I know only the bare bones, about Frances and hope this blog will find some cousins. Frances, known to the family as Fanny, was born 30 March 1865, the younger twin to my grandfather, Thomas. She was Thomas and Mary’s seventh daughter and ninth child. Fanny married James Alfred Pell , 1892 in Goulburn. They have two daughters; May Mascot , born 22 May 1893 and Clara Eunice , born 1896. Then this little family seems to disappear. Thanks to the internet I discovered that they went to New Zealand. When and why remain a mystery but they settled in Wellington, New Zealand. Using the New Zealand Births, Deaths and Marriages Online, I found the death of Frances on 8 Au...