
Showing posts with the label Shauna Hicks

Family History DownUnder 2021 UPDATED

It was announced on 13 January that FHDU2021 will be a virtual conference, please check the website for details. Yippie, now I can go. Well what a messed up 12 months we have had, Covid-19 has thwarted plans for genealogy get togethers, worldwide  with BUT Allan Phillips and his intrepid crew have got FHDU organised. March 22-26 at Maroochy RSL. Maroochydore on the beautiful Sunshine Coast. The program is packed with excellent speakers, like Carol Baxter, John Boeren, Janet Frew, Shauna Hicks and Mel Hulbert to name five of the 28 listed on the speakers page. Now if you are one of the very lucky ones, allowed to travel, I hope you have a look at the bookings and try to go. Me, well I'm waiting for FHDU 2022, when... maybe... I can travel outside my home state. This link, below takes you to the home page and you can browse from there.  

Congress, Quilting and THE BOOK.

Yesterday was a wonderful day. I managed to combine three things I really enjoy, quilting, genealogy and my book. I had spoken to the printer on Tuesday and he was overnight express  posting the proof copy to me, so I was waiting at the post office at 9.00am to collect it. Feeling nervous, it took me several goes to unwrap it from it's procetive wrap. Thick card cover, smooth glossy paper, it is wonderful to hold something I've written. I hope that my cousins like their copies.   Next was registering for Congress, in March 2018. Early bird registrations opened, yesterday and with the eagerness of us genealogists, we crashed the site! I managed to register around 10.00am and have booked the Meet 'n' Great on the Friday and the dinner on the Saturday. I am so looking forward to catching-up with Judy G Russell, Helen Smith, Pauleen Cass, Shauna Hicks, Jill Ball and many, many others, as well as meeting new people, that I don't know if I will have enough time!...


Had fantastic drive down, little to no traffic! Hotel is comfortable and walking distance to the National Convention Centre Canberra, so I will get some exercise as well. After parking the car, like playing Tetris, I don't want to move it. Registration was very efficient, collect name tag in one spot and your satchel in another. Caught up with Jill Ball and as beaded, as a blogger. Shauna Hicks, Pauline Cass and Jenny Joyce were also there and collected their beads. Having problems with the hotel WiFi, so glad I packed my modem. Meet and Greet at the Australian War Memorial tonight. It will. Be good to see everyone. Going to have a cuppa, Bye, Lilian.