
Showing posts with the label National Institute for Genealogical Studies

National Family History Month Challenge; Week 4

 This week Alex Daw has asked us to celebrate what we have done, this month Study. Finished my DNA subject with the National Institute for Genealogy. Third month of Essential Speaker Skills, through Family History Academy. Attended. Afternoon tea at Government House, Sydney, to celebrate the 90th birthday of the Society of Australian Genealogists. Hangouts and talks with the Society of Australian Genealogists. Talking Family History, with Fiona and Michelle. Co-ordinated the Writers Group, with the Society of Australian Genealogists. Co-taught a class, at the research centre and co-ordinated the Australian Interest Group, via Zoom for Botany Bay Family History Society. Research . One of my half-sisters married a G.I., so I've spent time researching him and found some really useful information. Added that I had verified my research, on two Ancestry trees. Went through my hints and  DNA matches on both Ancestry and My Heritage. (Also did this for the three DNA kits I manage.) Ex...

RootsTech 2020 Part Three

Friday morning saw several of us from The National Institute for Genealogical Studies meet up for a photo and chat. It was great to met others who are studying and see how they are going. Louise St Denis, the founder was great to chat with and listened to the ideas we had.  As it took longer than I thought, I skipped the first session and John Boeren and I sat and talked, for ages and then when the Vendor Hall opened, went our different ways. I used this time to catch-up with friends and get photos, as it was empty enough to do this. Group photos happened after the day's talks were over, with GeneaBloggers, Commonwealth and the Aussie Contingent. My last talk, for Friday was WATO, (What Are The Odds) workshop. I was disappointed. I expected that those of us paying for this would have been able to discuss our problems and how to work it out but the presenter had us working on hers. Not to mention that some didn't know what WATO was and had no idea what to do....


Since 7 January 2013,  I have been slowly working my way through the 40 subjects for my Australian Certificate in Genealogical Studies. Yesterday I FINISHED!  To say I'm thrilled is an understatement. I still have to wait for the official word that I have passed my last two subjects and have met all the requirements, but I feel like celebrating!. If you are thinking about further study have a look at The National Institute for Genealogical Studies.   They have a comprehensive range of courses across a wide range of areas. There are compulsory subjects in every certificate and a good choice of electives. Now I'm finished, I've looked at other subjects that I am interested in, plus maybe another certificate. My options are open and I wont decide, just yet. I have also been studying through UTAS, with their Diploma of Family History,    They off...

This n that

It has been a while since I last did a blog, sorry. We had a lovely weekend,  Mother's Day, at Kangaroo Valley and I woke up Monday with a sore throat. The rest of the week passed, with me feeling very blah and not doing much. I did finish my National Institute of Genealogical Studies, subject Australian Newspapers and got 100% in the exam. The subject was really interesting and I learnt new things and had others re-enforced. I am still loving the course. Still not feeling well and now I have a 'fantastic' cough, that really gets me going. Think a warm bed and a good book are in my future. Bye for now and stay well, Lilian