
Showing posts with the label Gillett

Family Friday, Post Script.

I have been spending time, 'playing' on TROVE and have uncovered bits and pieces about my twins, Catherine and Michael. I found an obituary for Thomas Joseph Gillett and in it,  it gives his siblings as well as his children. Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932) 15 August 1929, p 41.     Michael had  SEQUESTRATION ORDERS, issued against him, in 1895, for bankruptcy,  From what I have read, this was Discharged in July 1915.                     The things you find in TROVE.   Bye, Lilian.                          

Family Friday; Twins Catherine and Michael Abberton

                                     Catherine and Michael Abberton. As I wrote, last week, Thomas and Mary had 15 children and to do one a week would stretch this family into 2017! What I am going to do is each set of twins will be dome, together and the singles by themselves. Now for the start of this family! Catherine Mary Abberton. Born on 3 November 1855, died 1932,  I'm not sure if she or Michael was the elder twin. I don't have much on her except her marriage and family details. They are; Married, 1 May 1874, William Joseph Gillett, (b4 May 1851, d 14 February 1932).  They had a large family, with 13 children, no sets of twins. The Gillett children are; Thomas Joseph b 1875, d 1929, m 1900 Ida Mary Power.         ...