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Accentuate the Positive 2018

Reflecting on a great year. 1  1)  An elusive ancestor I found was, none this year. I mostly added new information, to the ones I have. 2   2)     A great newspaper article I found was a small piece that commented on the passing of my uncle Thomas J Abberton, in World War 2. It was in the Forbes paper and said that he could yodel. 3    3)  A geneajourney I took was a road trip to Ballarat, Victoria. While I was there I searched rate notice books, tramped the cemetery and wandered the street where they lived. 4    4)  An important record I found was the Scottish 1841 census, for Samuel Galbraith. Inching back further in time. 5     5)  A newly found family member shared ,  he is an old family member but we had lost touch. He shared trial information about our mutual ancestor, Simon Grant.     6       6)  A geneasurprise I received was ...