
Showing posts with the label childhood

What books do you remember from your childhood?

I follow several writers, on Facebook and this link is to a blogpost, by Lisa Ireland about books that made her want to be a writer. It got me thinking what books I really remember from my childhood and their influence on me. So read Lisa's post and then have a look at what I picked I can't remember a time, when I couldn't read, it is something that I love to do, a wonderful way to escape on a dreary day, to fill in time waiting for an appoitment or to kill the hours on a long-haul flight, reading is it. These two books were from late primary school and even though I haven't read them in years, I can still recall both stories. Hills End, the whole town goes for a picnic, except for seven children and their teacher. They plan to spend the day exploring the aboriginal paintings, in a near by cave. A massive storm hits, they get cut-off from the town a...

Can we go back to our childhood home?

Judy G. Russell   from The Legal Genealogists posted an interesting blog  about going back to your childhood home, see the link below and it got me thinking about two of my childhood homes. One I know is demolished and villas are built on it the other, well I 'explored'. I spent the first nine and a bit years growing up in Earle Street, Arncliffe. I remember it as a good place to live, in the small street there were at least 10 kids, of varying ages, not counting the teenagers. I felt safe, was able to go and play and my mum would know where I was. I think life was simpler then. I'm not going to say safer, just that as kids we simply didn't know about the 'bad'  stuff. I remember that the two teenage boys, across the road, would race their billycarts down the street, turning at the bottom, just before the main road. The street runs between two very busy roads and they were busy back then t...