What books do you remember from your childhood?
I follow several writers, on Facebook and this link is to a blogpost, by Lisa Ireland about books that made her want to be a writer. It got me thinking what books I really remember from my childhood and their influence on me. So read Lisa's post and then have a look at what I picked https://bookbaybzblog.com.au/2018/07/11/lisa-ireland-the-books-that-made-me-want-to-be-a-writer/#more-159 I can't remember a time, when I couldn't read, it is something that I love to do, a wonderful way to escape on a dreary day, to fill in time waiting for an appoitment or to kill the hours on a long-haul flight, reading is it. These two books were from late primary school and even though I haven't read them in years, I can still recall both stories. Hills End, the whole town goes for a picnic, except for seven children and their teacher. They plan to spend the day exploring the aboriginal paintings, in a near by cave. A massive storm hits, they get cut-off from the town a...