Talk Topics UPDATED

I have updated my talks to cover a wide range of topics; I can also tailor a talk specifically for your group. I do in person talks in the Sydney Metropolitan area, or via Zoom. For in person talks, I prefer daytime sessions.

I will travel to close country NSW towns and the ACT.


Talk Topics

Exploring the City of Sydney Archives.

A look at this interesting free site and what it contains for genealogists. I show how to navigate your way through the different categories. I then go 'live' on the site and do searches, so you can see how the site works.

You're the Voice. Telling Your Family Story.

 This talk covers various different ways to tell your family story from blog posts, short           stories, photo books and publishing a family history. Also suitable for Zoom.

·        Mind mapping for Family Historians.

     I discuss what mind Mapping is and how to do a mind map. I will guide you through      several exercises on mind mapping and discuss mind mapping software.


·        Beginning Genealogy.

      A hands-on approach to starting your genealogy journey. I cover pedigree charts and            family group sheets. I will look at where to start and how to work backwards and                   discuss the difference between a certificate and a transcription.


·        Looking at three interesting free Australian websites.

     I take you through Digital Panopticon, the Australian War Memorial and Trove,                  looking at what each contains and how you can use them.


·        A brief look at six interesting free websites.

 In this talk I cover, Australian Copyright Council, Australian Women’s Register, Convict Records, Capital Punishment U.K. The AIF Project, and the War Graves Photographic Project. I will look at what each site contains and how to use them.


·        So, you want a DNA test – Or do you?

 In this talk I look at three main testing sites: Ancestry, MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA. I will show you what tools they have to help you with your DNA and look at some of the pitfalls a DNA test can uncover.


  An in depth look at Australian copyright and how and what it covers. I also look at                what various websites, like Trove, and their copyright guidelines.

How to set-up your Blog.

  I take you through two blogging platforms, WordPress and Blogger, looking at the              pros and cons of both, so you can make an informed decision on which one to use. I              also discuss why you should have a blog.

Copyright and Ethics.

   In this talk we look at copyright as related to the ethical use of documents, photos etc. and whether family secrets need to be shared, for the 'world' to know them. 

Trove and how to use it.

 Come and play in Trove and discover the hidden gems it contains. I will show you                 how to set up a free account, add tags and much more.


The Australian War Memorial - Making the most of its collection.

  While we all know about doing a person search, I will explore more of the wonderful          unique collection the Australian War Memorial holds.


A look at Digital Panopticon, and related Convict sites.

   Explore Digital Panopticon and then look at other Convict websites, to discover more about                   your convict ancestors.


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