About Me

Lilian has been researching since 1984 and enjoys finding out about her ancestors. 

     She has had articles and photographs published in Australian Family Tree Connection magazine and has written a book about her Vaughan/Chasmar ancestors. Lilian is also wrote a series of articles for the Surname Society's newsletter.

She has completed a Certificate in Genealogical Research from the Society of Australian Genealogists.

Lilian has completed the Professional Learning Certificate in Genealogical Studies: Australian Records, with The National Institute for Genealogical Studies, Canada. Lilian has  finished her Irish Certificate. In 2020 Lilian graduated from the University of Tasmania, with a Diploma of Family History. She is currently studying DNA subjects.

She also keeps her skills up to date through attending lectures, talks and seminars. In 2016, 2017 and 2020 Lilian attended RootsTech, in Salt Lake City, Utah. This is the biggest genealogical event, worldwide. While there she attended lectures on a wide range of topics and viewed new innovations in genealogical research. 
She is the founder and President of the Bankstown Family History Group Inc.  It was with sadness that this group closed in December 2017.

In 2019, Lilian travelled to Birmingham to attend THE Genealogy Show.  
She also attended DNA DownUnder, orgainsed by Unlock The Past.  In October 2019, Lilian was a speaker at the 35th Annual Conference of the NSW & ACT Association of Family History Societies.

In 2022, Lilian was a speaker at THE Genealogy Show's, Spring Event and Summer Event, online. She was also an Influencer for RootsTech.

Lilian has delivered several talks and workshops, for the Society of Australian Genealogists, the SAG Writing Discussion Group, the Bankstown Family History Group Inc., Bankstown Historical Society, the Hurstville Family History Society, Canterbury Historical Society, the Botany Bay Family History Society and the Nepean Family History Society.

She has been interviewed by Chris Urquhart, from the Today Show, about Find My Past and its indexes. Lilian also featured on GeneaBloggers, in the May I Introduce to You series, on 27 February 2017.

An enthusiastic genealogist, who has been working on her tree for over 30 years.  She is married to Paul, and has two daughters, two sons-in-law and four wonderful grandchildren.

Lilian was teacher/librarian but is now retired.  When not researching she enjoys reading, quilting, knitting, spending time with family and friends and taking photos


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