Christmas Greeting and This 'n' That.

On a grey, wet and coolish day in Sydney I am writing my Christmas Post early. I have soooooo much to do before we head of to be with family, at Christmas, so,

 I would like to wish all my loyal readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thank you for your support, throughout the year.

Now 2019, what will it bring???

The Society of Australian Genealogists will start 2019, with a new President. Melissa Hulbert will take over from Martyn Killion. The FIRST female president in the Society's 85 years. Congratulations!

[Not a member, well join. ]

2019 also see me heading to the United Kingdom, in June to attend The Genealogy Show,     Kirsty Grey, of Family Wise, Jill Ball, our own Genieaus and Pat Richley-Erickson, aka Dear Myrtle are the main organisers, of what is promising to be a great conference.

From there I am heading to Ireland, Scotland and the back into England. There will be blog posts.

On the family front, we will have a granddaughter, starting university and a grandson, starting school. Another granddaughter is in the school musical.  I have two subjects to finish in my Irish Certificate, from the National Instute of Genealogical Studies. Then I might think about finishing my Tasmanian course.

On the blogging front, I'm going with the Book theme but things could change and there will be other topics as well.

So from me to you.

Christmas Blessings and a Wonderful 2019!
Lilian xx


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