SAG's Lost In Immigration And Travel Weekend, Day 1

The sky was a beautiful blue, the sun was shining and here I was, with around 90 other people, embarking on a weekend of genealogy! The Society of Australian Genealogists, run these 'Lost In' weekends, most years, either in the Dixson Room, in the Mitchell Library or in country NSW. The last one was a weekend of webinars, several months ago.

After Martyn Killion welcomed us to the day, our first speaker was Michelle Patient, with the topic, Exodus to the South Seas. With so much to cover, it was done in two sessions, with morning tea in between.

This is Michelle, getting into her talk. I love attending her talks as she presents in an engaging way.

This was taken, just before the day began. Jill Ball is in the front.

Emily Hanna was after Kerry but I've got the photos in the wrong order!
Emily is from NSW State Records and she explained what types of records were held and how to access them. Another lot of information, I didn't fully know about. I use State Records but I need to use them more.

Kerry Farmer, was our next speaker and listening to this, I realised that there was a lot more to learn, on immigration. 

The two other speakers, were David Berg, from NSW State Library and Brian Scales from National Archives.

David talked about what the library holds, from paintings, pictures, passenger diaries and shipboard newspapers. I have used the picture files but didn't find pictures, for the ships I have.

Brian is based at the Sydney, (Chester Hill), Office and he talked about 20th century immigration and how to search the online indexes. While my ancestors were here well before then, it has again shown me other areas to search.

It was great to catchup with friends and meet new ones. Sylvia, Kerry and I had dinner, in the city and then they left to head home. I went for a walk, took some photos and then went back to my hotel and turned the cricket on.

Looking forward to, tomorrow's sessions and the panel discussion.

Bye for now,


  1. Lovely to catch up with you- See you again tomorrow.


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