Archives Outside

'Archives Outside is for people who love, use and manage archives.'   So says the spiel on the top of the page and as a genealogists I do love archives.

This link is to a post about reading old handwritten documents and was complied by Archives NSW staff.
Divided into four sections, Strategies, Useful equipment, Tips about lettering, symbols and abbreviations, Useful reference tools and resources, these give us positive ways in which we can workout problems.

Under Strategies, two tips that stuck out were Use common sense and Persistence is the key. These are important as we tend to want to finish, transcribing the document, quickly.

Looking at the section, Useful equipment, I thought what? You need your eyes and pen and paper  but NO! The two tips they give made perfect sense. No, I'm not going to tell you, what they are.

Tips etc. is divided into letters, symbols and abbreviations, with practical advice in how to work things out.

Useful reference tools and resources is also split-up into different sub-sections, such as Place names and When in doubt, try Google.

I noticed at the bottom of the page, links to other posts, including one about dating old photographs, should be interesting.

Happy deciphering



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