Surname Saturday - Abberton

I can't believe that I forgot to do this last week!

This Saturday I'm going with ABBERTON, my Dad's side.

A search of the Surname Database came up with nothing but I remembered that ages ago I did find information on the name.

From 'The Surnames of Ireland' by Edward MacLysaght,  published 1978, call number R929.4 Mac, Campbelltown Library.*  'ABBERTON.  An English toponymic found in South East Galway, locally classed as one of the 'Oultaghs', i.e. families which migrated from Ulster in the Early 18th C.

My furthest back Abberton it my Great-great-grandfather, Thomas Abberton bc 1799 in Ballynakill, Co Galway. He married Bridget Chaffey and they had five children;
1) Patrick b 1822
2) James b 1828
3) Thomas, b1830
4) Catherine b1832
5) Anne b 1836.

 Thomas, and Anne, arrived in Port Jackson, on the 'Joseph Somes', 1 February 1852. Patrick was already in the colony and appears to have sponsored them.
Catherine and James arrived in 1854 on the 'Caroline.'

Thomas married  in 1854 to Mary Torp(h)y b 1834, Ballynakill, Galway. They had 15 children;
1)  Michael b 1855
2)  Catherin b 1855
3)  Bridget b 1856
4)  Mary Ann b 1859
5)  un-named female b & d 1859
6)  Margaret b 1861
7)  Honora  b 1863
8)  Thomas b 1865
9)  Frances  b 1865
10)  Elizabeth b 1867
11)  Theresa b 1868
12)  John b 1871
13)  Matthew b 1871
14)  William b 1873
15)  Julia b 1875.

Thomas died in 1901 and was buried in Goulburn.  Mary died in 1914 and was buried with Thomas.

I a descendant of Thomas, b 1865 and his wife, Louisa Nichols b 1860, through their son Matthew.

Anyone related???

Bye for now,

* Amazon have copies for sale.


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