Genealife in Lockdown - NFHM Blogging Challenge - Part 7.

                             TIDYING UP LOOSE ENDS.

Been digging in the Galbraith Family Garden, for anything related to the first born son John, (b1837-d1837-40) other than his mention on Samuel's monumental inscription. Nothing, maybe he was premature and didn't live long enough to be registered or his records are missing, all of the other children are registered. 

Andrew is another with little to no information to be found, other than his birth and two census records. I have two theories on this. 

1) He disappeared sometime before the 1871 census when he would have been 22. Could he have emigrated to Canada, US or Australia? This is an avenue I will need to search.

2) Maybe his middle name was Alfred and is the Alfred mentioned on Samuel's monumental inscription. I have NO evidence of a middle name for Andrew, so this is a vague theory.

Arthur b 1850 and on the 1851 census and then he disappears before Arthur b 1852 is born and given the same name.  Like Andrew I theorise that maybe he had a middle name of Alfred and is the one mentioned on the monumental inscription. Again no evidence of a middle name found.

Now this one might be close BECAUSE when Arthur b1852, married and had a son he names him Arthur Alfred.  A tribute to a brother????

I did find an Alfred (1873-1909), born to Samuel (son of Samuel and Margaret) and  Jane King.  Then there are those who have said  Alfred as Samuel and Margaret's son. If Margaret was this one's Mum, she would have been 53 years old, at the time of his birth so... 

Mysteries that I'm shelving, to continue my search for George Galbraith.


  1. I'm liking your theories that are emerging so far Lilian. I like how you talk about digging in a particular family tree garden. Very evocative of what we do. Have you looked at parish records - are they any help? I confess I don't look at them very often but they were mentioned at the #ANZAncestryTime Twitter chat a couple of weeks ago and seem to provide people with much needed assistance.

    1. Yes, Alex, I have. I tend to think he is Samuel and Jane's son but as we know some people just collect names and don't check dates.

  2. C'mon George, don't do Lilian's head in.


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