Genealife in Lockdown - NFHM Blogging Challenge - Part 2.

Well, since our lockdown didn't end at 12.00 midnight on 30 July and we are now in Family History Month, what have I done?

I've given into the craze of jigsaw puzzles and started a 500 piece one called Crazy Cat Alphabet. I probably will be crazy by the time I finish.

                                    I did it and it wasn't as hard as I thought. It's a very quirky puzzle to do.

I planted my bulbs in the raised garden bed and spent time weeding it. It's a mixed lot of bulbs, daffodils, freesias and hyacinths. They are coming up, so I'm happy about that.

Three Zoom meetings on Monday and one more tonight. This one is for the family history group I belong to, (Botany Bay Family History Society), our monthly meetings have been on Zoom for over 12 months.

Played with FindMyPast's new Scottish records and found the Monumental Inscription for my 2x great-grandfather.  Not only does it mention Samuel Galbraith but it also mentions his wife, Margaret, daughter Agnes, two son's, John and Alfred and a grandson, George. I checked Find-a-grave and there isn't a photo of it.   

I'm doing a family history for a friend, about her late husband's family, so have spent time getting it in to a logical sequence. Still waiting on an English marriage certificate to arrive.

I'm also doing some study and today did an exam. Still have an exam for one subject, to do and a new subject to start, in October.

Now to try and workout who the mysterious George Galbraith belongs to. Love a good mystery.

How are you doing, so far?



  1. Congratulations on finding that monumental inscription, we are so fortunate that we have plenty of genealogy related tasks to keep us busy in lockdown.

    1. Yes, we are and George is proving to be elusive.


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