Genealife in Lockdown - NFHM Blogging Challenge - Part 4.

 I'm trying to spread my 'to do' list out but being tightly locked down, there isn't anything else to do.

So, Tuesday I planted two large punnets of Pansies, in with my bulbs, cooked a Weetbix slice and finished a jigsaw. Haven't been for a walk since Saturday, lazy and my knitting is getting lonely.

Last night I was on a panel, discussing further genealogical education., with the Society of Australian Genealogists. We looked at a variety of courses available, from a wide range of places. 

I remember when I first started this crazy genealogical journey there weren't many places or courses available. SAG was my first place I looked, then the State Library of NSW and my local library, followed by the Royal Australian Historical Society.

Tonight I'm attending a Q & A for a DNA course I'm doing, with Michelle Patient and Fiona Brooker.

I haven't looked for George, for a couple of days but more about that on Sunday.

So until Sunday, stay safe, have fun and eat the chocolate!



P.S. walked 3.1km's this morning, feeling great!

This 300 piece puzzle gave me more problems than the 500 piece one I did last week.

Weetbix slice, something I hadn't made for years. Hubby doesn't like icing, so his side isn't iced.

My flower bed, usually has vegies in it but I treated myself to bulbs, this year. I've got the string and CD's to keep the birds away, as I went out one morning and some rotten bird and pulled out all the freesias, that had just come up.



  1. Lilian - your bulbs look great!. Dad's tulips came out and I couldn't believe they were real they looked so beautiful. They looked like those fake silk flowers you can get ! And I think I need that recipe for the weetbix slice !! I haven't walked much this week either. Thanks for contributing to Week 2. It's exciting to see so many contributions.

    1. Will do with the recipe. It will be in a post.


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