
Showing posts from March, 2016

A warning

If you post a comment that is selling something, not related to my blog post, is spam, or rude, I WILL DELETE IT FOREVER. Today I've had to remove four comments that had nothing what so ever to do with my post and will continue to do so. You have been warned. Lilian

A to Z Blogging Challenge

Some of you might have noticed a new badge on my blog, the A-Z April Blogging Challenge. For April I'm going to blog, every day, except Sunday, using the letters of the alphabet. Friday April 1 is the start and the letter is A. This will continue through the month to Z. As it's name implies to will be a challenge to find something with that different letters, but hey, that's the fun of it!  I'm not going to do a theme, as such, mine will be a 'Mixed Bag' of different things that catch my eye and that I want to share. Sometimes old photos, sometimes a book review, family history etc. I hope that you will enjoy my challenge and maybe next year take part as well. Bye for now, Lilian.

Wedding Wednesday, week 2

This weeks photos are three from my husband's side. Edith Pearl Amelia Millar married Andrew Alexander Hunter Magill on 29 October 1907. This handsome couple are Paul's grandparents. Andrew was born 17 April 1885 and died 3 February 1945. Edith was born 30 July 1885 and died 16 May 1955. She is also a descendant of John Nichols, a First Fleeter. The next two photos are of two of their children's weddings. Margaret Amelia Magill, born 25 June 1908 , died  22 June 1971 married 30 December 1931 to John(Jack) Arthur Frazier. Joyce Chaffey, born 23 May 1917, died 14 January 2015 married 28 October 1939 to Andrew Millar Hunter Magill, born 19 October 1909, died 23 April 1978. Aren't the dresses beautiful? Bye for now, Lilian.

Happy Birthday Granddad

Today, 30 March is the birthday of my Grandfather, Thomas Joseph Abberton, who was born in 1865. Thomas was the elder born of twins to Thomas and Mary Abberton of Mummel. He was their 8th child, with his twin sister Francis Maria being number 9. They were also Mary's 3rd set of twins. Thomas Snr was a farmer and also ran the Post Office at Mummel.  Not much is known about Thomas Jnr until his marriage to Louisa Nicolls on 1 January 1890 in the Catholic Church at Mummel. Louisa was the school teacher at Mummel and Thomas gave his occupation as farmer's son. I know from his children's birth certificates that Thomas moved his family around, with Berrima, Moss Vale, Woodhill, Cowra, Goulburn, Wollongong and Sydney being given. His occupations are also varied miner, carter for wine and spirit merchant and publican are just what I have found.  It is through the children that I next find Thomas and it is not a happy find. Thomas is in the Police Gazettes for desertion...

Tombstone Tuesday.

 I don't know about you, but I find cemeteries fascinating! Weird, I know but it isn't just from being a genealogist. Here is a selection of tombstones, of family members. Margaret (nee Towers)  and Samuel Magill. Margaret was born at Windsor. Samuel was born in Belfast, Ireland. They are in the Kootingal Cemetery, near Tamworth, NSW. Andrew, born 17 April 1885. Son of Margaret and Samuel, he is buried near them in the Kootingal Cemetery. Edith (nee Millar), born 30 July 1955. She died, visiting family in Adelaide and was brought back to Sydney at buried in the cemetery at Waverly. She faces the ocean and the view is beautiful. Where are your ancestors buried? Anywhere interesting? Bye for now, Lilian.

Surname Saturday. Vaughan.

Iā€™m enjoying sharing my surnames with you.   Have you looked at the Surname Database, yet? This week Iā€™m looking at Charlotte Chasmarā€™s husband Henry Vaughan. I think he is an intriguing man as it has taken many years to find small details about him. I first encounter Henry, as my Great-grandmotherā€™s Isabella Mary Annā€™s father.   I then find his marriage and death but little else. This was pre-computers and not knowing much else about him, I set him aside. With the computer age growing rapidly Henry was taken out,   dusted off and looked at solidly. Where was he born? When did he arrive? What work did he do? Some of these I was able to answer by carefully reading the certificates I had.   Place of birth, Middlesex, England around 1810.   Arrival date??? Occupation, Tailor is given on Isabellaā€™s birth certificate, commission agent on his marriage certificate, and he states he was a widower and nothing is listed on his death certificate. Widower, inter...

Excel Family Tree

Judy G Russell and J Paul Hawthorne, started this on Facebook and I thought that I'd share it here. Paul  had the idea to do a family tree, using only places of birth and colour it. This has really taken off on Facebook and it is very interesting to see others heritage. Here is mine. Yellow, NSW. Blue, Victoria. Green, Ireland. Liliac, Scotland. Orange, England. Brown, Germany. Where do your ancestors come from? Bye for now, Lilian.

Beautiful Babies.

This cutie is Frederick Charles Sigrist, the groom in Wedding Wednesday. He was born 18 September 1890 and died 3 April 1930. Edna May Sigrist, taken at Shelly Beach 2 November 1922. The comment on the back read, "rather dull could not get her out of the water." Born 18 May 1920, died 2 May 2006. This water baby is the beautiful bride, in the second photo. Lilian Evelyn Gabraith, born 22 October 1911, died 7 June 2006. This photo was taken when she was around 12 months old.  My Mum, the bride in the last wedding photo. My darling husband, Paul at around 18 weeks old. He still has that beautiful smile. Me, Lilian, at about 6 months. Bye for now, Lilian.

Wedding Wednesday.

Elsie Minnie Ironside married Frederick Charles Sigrist on 5 April 1919 Looking at the photo, from left to right. Alf Tobin, Violet Sigrist, Frederick Sigrist, Elsie Ironside, Lilly Sigrist, Norm Ironside. Edna May Sigrist married Patrick James Magill on 16 April 1949. My in-laws. Edna made her dress. Eveline Maude Jasper married Arthur Alfred Galbraith on 30 December 1908. My mum told me that this photo was taken 3 days after the wedding and that the bouquet wasn't the one she used, as the photo was taken in the photographers studio.  Lilian Evelyn Galbraith married Matthew Henry Abberton on 19 February 1954. A second marriage for both. Just a few of the wedding photos I have in my collection, look for more next week. Bye for now, Lilian

A very good blog on why we do genealogy.

Not my words but this blog answers the question as to why we 'do our family tree'. Bye for now, Lilian

Surname Saturday, today my Chasmar Line

Today I'm looking at my Chasmar line. Some times I see it spelt Chasmer and figure they weren't that literate back then.  I used the Surname Database to find the meaning of Chasmar  and discovered that  this unusual surname is of early medieval English origin. Something I didn't know.  It gives seven different ways that is can be spelt and also mentions Benenden, Kent, where my Chasmars' came from. My ancestor, Charlotte Chasmar was born in Benenden, Kent around 1821 to Robert Chasmar and his wife Elizabeth Chasmar, nee Gardner. Her Christening record show that she was christened on 21 December 1821. I'm going to jump around here and just do Charlotte and then add other details. Charlotte arrived in Sydney on 1 September 1839, on board the 'Cornwall'. The spelling of her surname was given as Chaperance. (With the spelling conventions, of that time, the letter p might well have been an S.)  She was 18 years old, a Protestant, from Benenden and was se...

Two Interesting Books

Last year at the Royal Australian Historical Society's conference I purchased this book. Kim has researched the 100 Australian soldiers, commemorated at  Gallipoli. She has included photos, maps and information. Not all have photos. There is a CD with it for the ones not written up in the book. I was able to find more information about the two I wrote up, in my blog, Is there anyone left to mourn,? 1 September 2015.  A well researched book, that would be a good addition to your library.  Website My next purchase was from The National Library, in Canberra. A funny little book that I thought might come in handy, when reading old documents. It starts with an introduction about Robert Cawdrey, the first person to publish an English dictionary. I like dipping into it and picking out a word, like chaunt, - sing  or sotte - foole, dunse. Some of the old words are very close to what we use today, some with the same ...

Tree Online

The other week Judy Kenna, did a webinar about having your tree online. I said I'd think about it. One of my 'cousins' has a WiKi Tree and he invited me to join. Well I did. I have a very small family tree up on I'm still being cautious as to how much I'm sharing but I think this is a good thing.  The tree is still very much a work in progress. Have a look.  Only Abberton and Galbraith names, so far. Bye for now, Lilian

Shipping Records. This is a link to the 'Online' microfilm of shipping lists - State Records, NSW. Guess who is going to spend some time 'playing' with these, today? Bye, Lilian

Surname Saturday

Cheryl Hudson Passey , does this each week. Picks a different surname from her tree and blogs about it.  I though what a great idea, so here goes. Which one to pick??? GALBRAITH Looking at Wikipedia,    I discover that the Clan Galbraith is an armigerous clan, that is one with out a chief. I know it has a tartan, as I have a scarf of the same. There is a Facebook page for Clan Galbraith, I'm waiting to join that. Now, these bits and pieces are all well and good but what does the surname Galbraith have to do with my tree. Back in the 1800's, in Ayr, Scotland, Samuel Galbraith  married Margaret Nicol and they are my 2xgreat-grandparents.  Samuel and Margaret had four children, that I have found, two named Arthur. The first Arthur was born in 1850 and was dead by they time the next child, another son was born, in 1852. As was a custom, in some places, this new son was given the deceased child's name, Arthur....

Photos and Red Lipstick

I posted a photo of the photos on 27 December and there were still gaps. After a week I went, need more photos. Here is the updated photo. No more gaps. Also back in December, I wrote about a Red Lipstick challenge I was doing. I'm still wearing lipstick, when I go out. It has become second nature to put lipstick on and I feel good doing it. Bye for now, Lilian. The weekend is in view!

Abberton Details

After my DNA results were added to the Galway Genealogy DNS group, I've had heaps of the usual questions as to whom I'm related. I figured this was an easy way for people to check connections. Great-grandfather Thomas ABBERTON                                     bc 1830                                     d 21 November 1901                                     m 22 July 1854   - Mary TORP(H)Y          ...

It is still ME!

I was at my writing group, today and several people said that they weren't sure that this new look was my page. Sorry I've been mentioning it on Facebook and didn't think to say here that I've changed the look. Let me know what you think. Bye for now, Lilian

Kindle V Book

Hi, This is something relatively new for me, reading  either my iPad Kindle or now my actual Kindle. When we were going to Europe, last year, for six weeks, I went, "I can't fit that many books into my case and have clothes too!" (I can read up to three books a week. You can see my problem.)  My solution was to download the iPad Kindle app and then heaps of books. Yes, I know Europe and I wanted to read, but there is the very long flight to and from and the domestic ones as well, not to mention relaxing by the pool on Santorini.  I enjoyed reading but found the iPad got to be very heavy and hard to hold. This last trip, to the USA, I ran out of storage space on the iPad and in San Francisco purchased a Kindle. I love it, it's light easy to hold, the light doesn't hurt my eyes and fits into my handbag. Now the problem. I'm still a book girl at heart, the bookcases, in the study will vouch for that.  I love the smell of a new book, browsing a bookshop...

A really good read.

                                     The Big Genealogy Blog Book by Amy Coffin. This book was recommended by Jill Ball in her webinar, on Saturday.  You can purchase it from Amazon for $3.99AUD and I suggest that you do so.     and enter either Amy's name or the title. This little book as 11 Chapters, covering everything from * blogging myths, * writing quality posts, * important blog elements, * ideas for blog posts.   201 of these, ranging from using old photos to tell a story, to  using technology and many, many more. Buy the book to discover them. I'm still tweaking my blog design, watch this space but I feel much more confident to try new ideas, thanks to both Jill and Amy's book. Thinking about blogging, DO IT!  Thi...


Yesterday I spent time listening to three webinars, organised by the Society of Australian Genealogists. Michelle Patient was the first presenter, with the topic, 'Your Family History Online'. I did try this once, years ago, with Ancestry but took it down because I was concerned about privacy. Michelle gave us a list of websites to look at, for selecting who to upload your tree to. She talked about privacy, control of your tree, why we should have it online, outlining the pros and cons. Something I will think about and look at but still not sure if I will put my tree online. Jill Ball was the next presenter, with a talk about, 'Blogging for Genealogy'. Something I do, do. This talk gave me some new ideas, for my blog, like adding pages for family surnames and links. Something I'm in the process of 'playing' with. I did make a new page for surnames but can't seem to make it show on the blog. More work needed. Jill also showed us a selection of ...