Wedding Wednesday, week 2

This weeks photos are three from my husband's side.

Edith Pearl Amelia Millar married Andrew Alexander Hunter Magill on 29 October 1907. This handsome couple are Paul's grandparents. Andrew was born 17 April 1885 and died 3 February 1945. Edith was born 30 July 1885 and died 16 May 1955. She is also a descendant of John Nichols, a First Fleeter.

The next two photos are of two of their children's weddings.

Margaret Amelia Magill, born 25 June 1908 , died  22 June 1971 married 30 December 1931 to John(Jack) Arthur Frazier.

Joyce Chaffey, born 23 May 1917, died 14 January 2015 married 28 October 1939 to Andrew Millar Hunter Magill, born 19 October 1909, died 23 April 1978.

Aren't the dresses beautiful?

Bye for now,


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