Abberton Details

After my DNA results were added to the Galway Genealogy DNS group, I've had heaps of the usual questions as to whom I'm related. I figured this was an easy way for people to check connections.


                                    bc 1830

                                    d 21 November 1901

                                    m 22 July 1854  - Mary TORP(H)Y

                                    arrived NSW 1852 Ship Joseph Somes.

Father,  Thomas ABBERTON.

Mother Bridget HALLORAN. (or CHAFFEY).

Thomas came with his sister Ann aged 16yrs and then in 1854 Catherine 24yrs and James 20yrs arrived on the Caroline, to go to their brothers’ Patrick and Thomas in Goulburn.



                            b 17 Dec 1834

                           d  3 July 1914

                           m 22 July 1854  -  Thomas ABBERTON

                           arrived NSW 1850 Ship Lloyds

Father, Matthew TORP(H)Y.

Mother Bridget TORP(H)Y

Marry came with her mother Bridget and three siblings, Patrick, 18yrs, Michael 12yrs and Ann, 10yrs. In 1853 Bridget 10yrs and Catherine 8yrs arrived on the Talavera, to go to their mother, Bridget and step-dad Matthew Ford, in Goulburn

 Thomas and Mary had 15 children, the eighth child, Thomas was my grandfather.
Let the fun begin.
Bye for now,


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