Tombstone Tuesday.

 I don't know about you, but I find cemeteries fascinating! Weird, I know but it isn't just from being a genealogist. Here is a selection of tombstones, of family members.

Margaret (nee Towers)  and Samuel Magill. Margaret was born at Windsor. Samuel was born in Belfast, Ireland. They are in the Kootingal Cemetery, near Tamworth, NSW.

Andrew, born 17 April 1885. Son of Margaret and Samuel, he is buried near them in the Kootingal Cemetery.

Edith (nee Millar), born 30 July 1955. She died, visiting family in Adelaide and was brought back to Sydney at buried in the cemetery at Waverly. She faces the ocean and the view is beautiful.

Where are your ancestors buried? Anywhere interesting?

Bye for now,


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