Surname Saturday

Cheryl Hudson Passey, does this each week. Picks a different surname from her tree and blogs about it.  I though what a great idea, so here goes. Which one to pick???


Looking at Wikipedia,   I discover that the Clan Galbraith is an armigerous clan, that is one with out a chief.

I know it has a tartan, as I have a scarf of the same.

There is a Facebook page for Clan Galbraith, I'm waiting to join that.

Now, these bits and pieces are all well and good but what does the surname Galbraith have to do with my tree.

Back in the 1800's, in Ayr, Scotland, Samuel Galbraith  married Margaret Nicol and they are my 2xgreat-grandparents.  Samuel and Margaret had four children, that I have found, two named Arthur. The first Arthur was born in 1850 and was dead by they time the next child, another son was born, in 1852. As was a custom, in some places, this new son was given the deceased child's name, Arthur.

This second Arthur, left Scotland for Australia, arriving in Port Melbourne around 1880. He married Mary Ann Grant in 1883 and had two sons, Arthur born 1884, in Melbourne and William in 1890, in Sydney.

Arthur Snr, was a shop keeper in Sydney and upon hearing of his Mother's death, in 1893, back in Scotland, returned to settle the estate. It was on his return voyage that, in Ceylon, now Sir Lanka, he suffered a stroke, brought on by the heat and died. He left a wife and two sons back home in Sydney.

His son, Arthur was my Grandfather. He and his wife Eveline Jasper had 10 children. Five of their children are still living.

So, what does this name have to do with me? Well with out Samuel and Margaret, I wouldn't be here!

Do you have interesting surnames? Share them and see who you find.



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