
Yesterday I spent time listening to three webinars, organised by the Society of Australian Genealogists.

Michelle Patient was the first presenter, with the topic, 'Your Family History Online'.
I did try this once, years ago, with Ancestry but took it down because I was concerned about privacy.

Michelle gave us a list of websites to look at, for selecting who to upload your tree to. She talked about privacy, control of your tree, why we should have it online, outlining the pros and cons.

Something I will think about and look at but still not sure if I will put my tree online.

Jill Ball was the next presenter, with a talk about, 'Blogging for Genealogy'. Something I do, do. This talk gave me some new ideas, for my blog, like adding pages for family surnames and links. Something I'm in the process of 'playing' with. I did make a new page for surnames but can't seem to make it show on the blog. More work needed.

Jill also showed us a selection of different blogs, each with different layouts and features and I found one that has surnames, that I'm researching. I contacted them and am waiting for a reply.

The last presenter, for the day was Judy Keena, with 'Creating a Genealogy Website.' I have a business website, done for me, but not a personal one, I found this talk very interesting. She asked why do a website and then gave very good points as to why. Like Michelle and Jill, Judy talked about getting our information 'out there' with the idea of finding others doing the same family.

I'm considering this idea and will work out the whys, what and who and let you know if I do, do it.

My Do-Over is running along slowly, with all my Abberton side checked, cited and filed and I'm about to start the Galbraith side. I did get some highlighters, last week.

Hope you weekend is going well. Please let me know if you have your tree online and who with, also if you have a family website. I like hearing about your experiences, both the good and the bad.

Bye for now,


  1. Lilian, You need to add the Pages Gadget below your header for your page to appear. See here: http://www.wikihow.com/Add-a-Page-to-Blogger

  2. Thanks Jill. Still very much a work in progress.


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