ELIZABETH VAUGHAN AND RACHAEL WYATT VAUGHAN. A short Family Friday, this week, as I discuss the only mention of these two girls. 2 females deceased, is on both Henry and Charlottesā death certificates. These are those two females. Elizabeth was born 11 August 1841, to Henry and Charlotte * . As she was born before registration, the actual document is a record of her baptism. It reads, Name, Elizabeth, Father, Henry Vaughan, Quality or Profession, Gentleman, Mother, Charlotte, Date of Baptism, 29 August 1841. Searching the New South Wales, Birth, Deaths and Marriagesā, I find two recorded deaths of an Elizabeth Vaughan. One in 1841 and the other in 1847. There are no newspaper notices of her death, for me to check. I did order the 1841 * certificate and that Elizabeth was only 3 months old, when she died. No parents are listed. I donāt know if this little one is mine or if it is the 1847 death. Either, is sad for such a short life. Rachael...