
Showing posts from May, 2016

TROVE Tuesday

Charlotte Vaughan This small In Memorian noticed, was place in the Sydney Morning Herald on Wednesday 11 July 1894, twelve months after Charlotte had passed away. Charlotte was the wife of Henry Vaughan and mother to nine children. Harvard/Australian citation 1894 'Family Notices', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954) , 11 July, p. 1. , viewed 23 May 2016,

Family Friday; 2 females, deceased; Elizabeth and Rachael Vaughan.

ELIZABETH VAUGHAN AND RACHAEL  WYATT VAUGHAN. A short Family Friday, this week,   as I discuss the only mention of these two girls. 2 females deceased, is on both Henry and Charlottesā€™ death certificates.   These are those two females. Elizabeth was born 11 August 1841, to Henry and Charlotte * . As she was born before registration, the actual document is a record of her baptism. It reads, Name, Elizabeth, Father, Henry Vaughan, Quality or Profession, Gentleman, Mother, Charlotte, Date of Baptism, 29 August 1841. Searching the New South Wales, Birth, Deaths and Marriagesā€™, I find two recorded deaths of an Elizabeth Vaughan. One in 1841 and the other in 1847. There are no newspaper notices of her death, for me to check. I did order the 1841 * certificate and that Elizabeth was only 3 months old, when she died.   No parents are listed. I donā€™t know if this little one is mine or if it is the 1847 death. Either, is sad for such a short life. Rachael...

Trove Tuesday, post script

Had. Quick trip to Canberra, today, so stopped at the Australian War Memorial. Put a poppy beside George Parnaby's name on the Roll of Honour.

Trove Tuesday

While in Turkey, in August 2015, I placed poppies on two Australian soldiers' graves, below is my story about one of the Diggers. 488 Private G PARNABY. 24 th BN Australian INF. 15 September 1915 George PARNABY was born in Minyip, Vic in c1896. His enlistment form gives us a description of this young man; Age 19yrs, Height 5'10", Weight 130 pounds, Complexion Fair, Eyes Blue, Hair Brown, Religion Church of England, Occupation Farm Labourer. His Next of Kin is his Grandmother, Mrs Sarah Annie JOHNSON, parents deceased. He has a brother Herbert and a sister Nellie.  George enlisted 7th March 1915 at Sea Lake, Vic. His Casualty Form - Active Service has three stark entries;      30.8.15 Proceeded to join M.E.F.                          26.9.15 KILLED IN ACTION.             ...

Family Friday; Charlotte Chasmar

                        CHARLOTTE CHASMAR. [Whilst I hold copies of some documents, marked * , others have been sighted, using microfilm, at the Family History Library, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 2016 and they are marked * .] CHASMAR has been found spelt in several different ways, Chasmer, Chasmur, Chapman and Chasman. I have chosen Chasmar, as this is on most of the documents I hold. Charlotte Chasmar was christened 23 December 1821, in the Parish Church of Benenden, Kent, England * . She was the daughter of Robert Chasmar and his wife Elizabeth Gardiner. Robert was a brickmaker. I next find Charlotte as an Unmarried Female Immigrant, arriving on the Cornwall, 1 September 1839 * . Her date and place of birth are given as 11 December 1821 and Benenden, with her parents listed as Robert and Elizabeth. She could read and write, was a Protestant and a Farm...

TROVE Tuesday

                                                THE ARROW. Sports Politics and the Drama. I didn't have any family titbits, this week, so thought I'd look at a different news paper. This news paper was published from 1896 to 1912, in Sydney, NSW. I looked at the first issue, March 7th 1896. Cost 1d (1 penny). Published on Saturday. Below is just part of the first page. It has such comments as; "154,000 pianos are built every year. We can understand why lunatic asylums are always overcrowded." Or another that states that starfish don't have a nose. Other articles in the paper were about horse racing, cricket, dinners. To me the paper seems like a bit of fun. Bye for now, Lilian.

Busy, Busy

Thursday and Friday were very busy for me. Thursday was the Writers Group meeting in at the Society of Australian Genealogists, 120 Kent Street, Sydney. We meet once a month and have very interesting speakers. This month Jeffrey Madsen spoke on Digitising Family Records. Very informative and I learnt some new tips. Yesterday I did a workshop at the Craft Bookbinders Guild of NSW, in their room, at Callan Park, on making a Solander box. I had made one, last year and had every intention of making another but didn't. A refresher course was what I needed. This time I wanted to make a specific size for an old family bible. While it is fiddly and time consuming, it is well worth the effort as the bible is nestled in it safely. This is the box. Made in two tray pieces, then glued to the backing board. This is the Bible, I made the box for. Over 100 years old and very precious. Safely in its new home. Bye for now, Lilian

Family Friday, Part 2, Questions???????

                                                                    QUESTIONS??? I knew that when the two certificates, I was waiting on, arrived that I would have more questions than answers. The marriage certificate, that arrived makes me think that it isn't my Henry. While the age doesn't match, what I worked out, neither does the occupation. But people change jobs and people change their ages, to suit the circumstance. It still doesn't feel right. The religion is the one thing that  has me saying, 'not my Henry.' All the details I have from what I think is his parent's marriage and his birth, back in England, to his death here ALL have Churc...

Family Friday; Henry Vaughan

                                                HENRY VAUGHAN. Henry Vaughan, my Great-great-grandfather is a bit of a mystery, before 1841, with the birth of his and Charlotteā€™s first child. Several theories surround how he got here and what his name was but Iā€™m going to do the unthinkable and accept everything on the certificates I have as gospel and introduce Henry to you. I can hear my Genie friends shaking their collective heads at my plan but hear   me out. ( * indicates that I have the certificate/document.) Iā€™m starting backwards, with Henryā€™s death certificate * ; 2 March 1871, Henry Vaughan, aged 60 years, 40 years in the colony, spouse Charlotte, age at marriage 30 years, born Middlesex, England, 4 males, 3 females, living, 2 fe...

TROVE Tuesday

THE LATE FATAL FIRE. While searching through the CD compiled by the Society of Australian Genealogists on Rookwood Cemetery, I found an interesting inscription. ā€œDied on his 23 rd Birthday from injuries received while assisting at the fire of the Prince of Wales Theatre.ā€   VAUGHAN Henry Fred, 08 Jan 1872.     This really piqued my interest and diverted me from my Vaughans.   A search of TROVE for Henry Vaughan soon had me trolling through several articles relating to both Henryā€™s death and the fire that caused it. The Empire (Sydney, NSW 1850-1875), Tuesday 9 January 1872, page 3, give a very detailed description of the fire, the death of Henry Vaughan, the theatre itself and the funeral of Mr Coats, another fireman, injured when the wall fell. The Freemanā€™s Journal (Sydney 1850-1932), Saturday 13 January 1872, page 7, recounts the inquest held into the fire and the deaths of the two firemen.   There is also a wonderful article on, ā€œ TOTAL...

How do you file your documents and certificates?

As genealogists this is a big problem we find ourselves with and there are many any various ways we can do this. Below is what I do and it works for me. 1) I started with building an Access Database. I have six fields, Certificate, Who, Date, Number, Folder, Comments. The ID numbers are generated by the data base. I enter the details in the correct field and make comments, such as hard to read, things that help identify the document. Using a light pencil I write the ID number on the back of the document, slip it into  a plastic, archival quality sleeve and add the number to the top right hand corner. These are the sticky numbers I use. 2) Documents and certificates in their sleeves. 3)  These are then filed in lever arch folders under Births, Death, Marriages and Other. Each of these sections is in alphabetical order. Other contains such things as census documents, wills, military records and other peoples notes.  In the Births I also put Baptism...

Family Friday, Vaughan

                                                     VAUGHAN AN OVERVIEW. Today I was going to start with Henry Vaughan, my Great-great-grandfather but Henry has thrown me some very interesting problems and as such he will have to wait for his turn. This is an overview of the family of Henry Vaughan and Charlotte Chasmar. And that there starts a mystery.   I have been tracing this line for 30 years and found 10 children for them. Elizabeth ā€“ 1841 Henry Edward ā€“ 1842 William Nathanial ā€“ 1845 Isabella Mary Ann ā€“ 1847 Louisa 1850 George W ā€“ 1852 John A -   1854 Catherine Charlotte ā€“ 1856 Frederick 1860 Rachel ā€“ 1864 d 1865. Now there comes an interesting bit; I have a marriage transcript...

TROVE Tuesday

                                                     A wedding is announced ! This tiny announcement is my Great-Grandparents wedding on 14 August 1883 at Clifton Hill, Victoria. It confirms both male parents and their place of residence  and both Arthur and Mary Ann's place, in their respective families. "The Leader, September 1, 1883, Page 40. Marriages" Bye for now, Lilian.

I've earnt my Badge!

I survived the challenge!

April A-Z Challenge Finished!!!!!

                                                 Finished!!!! Yesterday was April 30 and with that the challenge finished.  It has been interesting reading other blogs and seeing what their choices were, so were poems, some reflections and some concentrated on a theme or family. All were interesting. Thank you to all who read my blog and made comments, I really wish that there was a like button, so I could acknowledge the replies I received. Please take this as my personal thank you. Yesterday was a milestone in my blogging, one I didn't notice for awhile. It was my 300th post!  Wow, 300, it crept up and would have slipped past, had I not been working on my blog page. I must go back a re-read that first post, as I know that my bloggin...