A - Z Blogging Challenge L is for Linus


While most might think that Linus was a male name, the Linus on my tree is female, with it making an appearance as a (male)  middle name in a younger generation.

Linus is a biblical name from the Greek name Linos, meaning flaxen. In Greek mythology, Linus is a musician who gives lessons to Hercules.

When I think of the name Linus, I picture, Linus from the cartoon strip, Peanuts, with his security blanket.

Famous people named Linus are very few and far between with only these two listed,
Linus Pauling, US chemist.
Linus Roache, UK actor.



  1. I'll add Linus Wilson Miller, who wrote "Notes of an exile to Van Dieman's Land" which talks about his time as a convict in Van Dieman's Land now known as Tasmania.

    1. That's a good one, thanks Jill.

    2. I love the name Linus. A friend of mine at work called his son Linus and I thought it was such an excellent choice. Unusual but such good associations and particularly because of Linus in the Peanuts strip who I always thought was very kind.


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