A-Z Blogging Challenge A is for Albina


Albina is the name of a distant cousin on my tree and has given me problems trying to find the meaning of it. In the end I resorted to good old Wikipedia for the answer.

Albina (ahl-BEE-nah) is a feminine given name from the Roman cognate Albinus, derived from the Latin albus, meaning "white" or "bright". 
See also: AlbinusAlbinAubin
Meaning: "white", "bright"
Language(s): Latin
Pronunciation: ahl-BEE-nah

I never met this cousin so I don't know if she was fair haired or fair skinned. 


  1. Wondering what other names I'll learn about as I follow your posts??

  2. Interesting...I am also wondering what names you will choose and what their meanings will be https://mollyscanopy.com/


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