The #NotAtRootstech Blog, Part Two

I'm going to break these post up because yesterday I had a technical glitch and lost 2/3's of the post. Not Happy!

So Day 3, 3 March, here in Sydney, 21C and 6.00am.

I've just watched Myko Clelland, give a great presentation on FindMyPast's British and Irish Hidden Gems. It was going really well, then Myko got a blank screen, thankfully not the blue screen of death. A tech guy was called in but Myko continued on witht he presentation, first without his notes but then with then. (They had been handed to an official). He really knows his stuff and the audience were enjoying themselves. It was great to see a full house.  Even with the handout, I still took four pages of notes and learnt new ways of using FindMyPast.

Yesterday I mentioned the cost is a factor in going to Rootstech but one of the main reason, if not the BIGGEST reason in attending RootsTech, is the friends you meet and make. My first trip, in 2016 was amazing. I only had to open my mouth and I would be asked, 'where are you from?' and then they would confuse Australia with Austria!

These friendships is what genealogy is all about and I'm missing being there and catching-up with these friends. Missing the end of day coffee or dinner, sharing joys and sorrows, collecting hugs and learning new things, seeing new things in the exhibit hall.

                                              2017 Blogger photo.

So here ends part one.
More later,

                                                       What I look like at 4.30am!


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