My Congress 2018, Days 3 and 4.

I have come to the conclusion that six hours sleep does not make for a happy camper! Having turned the light of at 11.30pm and having the alarm sound at 6.30am is not good but as a good genealogist, I bravely soldiered on, until 3.45pm when I had to call it quits. But I digress.

Another beautiful morning greeted the 600 attendees, 300+ who had partied the night before, as we made our way to the ICC, for Day 3. Martyn, thought that a sing-a-long would be one way to wake us up, this was greeted with groans and laughter, but sing we did.

Paul Milner was this morning's speaker on English Research -Eighteenth Century Sources and Indexes. This is my time frame, so I paid attention and tried to absorb what Paul was saying. Very intersting and useful.

Another delicious morning tea was waiting for us after this session and a chance to again have interesting conversations or view the vendor stands.

Again the choices for the concurrent sessions were excellent and I chose to listen to Judy  G Russell speak on Copyright and Copywrongs, a topic close to my heart. Judy has such a wonderful way of engaging her audience that had us both laughing and pondering, in equal measure. A very thought provoking talk.

Fresh air was needed, so I escaped outside for a while. Lunchtime and another photo! This time with The National Institute of Genealogical Studies, (NGIS), this is the course that I finished, in 2017. I'm getting very good a dashing down three levels and outside, then dashing back up for the next session.

After lunch it was Paul Blake's turn to educate us on London Genealogy and  I am now so confused, that I will have to research this further, before adding the family into it. I had no idea that the bounderies changed so much. Note to self find a good OLD map of London and the surrounding area.
                                                            Paul Blake

Another photo, this time with Botany Bay and this was held inside on the magnificent wooden stairs, on Level 3. By this time my energy levels were almost empty and I headed back to my room for some R&R, before heading to Maloney's Pub for dinner.

Day 4.

After a stroll around the Darling Harbour and the Cockle Bay foreshore I headed in to hear Thom Reed speak about FamilySearch.  I love FamilySearch and hearing about new information, apps and records that are being added is always great.
                                              The ICC, from across Cockle Bay/

Ruth Graham was next up with an interesting talk about Digital humanities and genealogy: visualisation technology to bring your ancestors closer. I didn't know what to expect with this but Ruth explained how, using publicly accessible projects can be used by genealogists to bring the worlds of our ancestors to our screens. Sights like Digital Athens,

and the Angkor Research Program,

can give us a glimpse into the past. I have seen a documentry on the Angkor one and having been there found it wonderful.

Morning tea and then back to hear Judy G Russell speak on The Language of the Law. Very interesting and I now need to look for old law dictionaries, so as to understand words in very old documents. A dash from there to the next session, GEDmatch: Wonderful Helping Hand for Genetic Genealogists, by Helen V Smith. This explained GEDmatch in easy to understand terms and will be extremely useful, in my DNA research.
                                       Helen Smith and Alison Wolf. Alison was the Chair for this session.

Another dash down three levels, this time for the Geneabloggers photo. A wonderful diverse group of people, who blog. We wear blogger beads, at conferences etc. so that fellow bloggers are able to spot each other. It is wonderful to belong to this group.
                                      What do you call a group of Geneabloggers?    Any ideas???

My last session saw me chair Writing Groups, by Sue Stenning. The discussion was good and contacts made. Sue raised interesting points and gave me some sound ideas.

My Congress was done, as I headed back to my hotel and then to home. I had an amazing time, listened to informative talks, saw old friends and made new ones and would do it all again, next time.
                                     Two fellow Bloggers, Emily Reace and Ruth Standring.

                                           My lanyard, resplendent with ribbons and my blogger beads.
Bye for now,


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