What I've Been Doing.

Tuesday 7 February 2017 @ 11.45am.

After  Sunday it was time to get down to the serious side of being here, Research in the Library!

I didn't take note of the opening hours, so rocked up at 8.30, only to find the opened at 8.00. Still they don't close until 6.00pm. Plenty of time!

I was going to concentrate on my German Ancestry but even with the guides I have, it is very difficult. Seriously considering asking a researcher to do it for me, one who speaks and reads German. This was on Level B1, so for my English, Scottish and Irish Ancestors, it was down to Level 2.

Plenty of familiar faces, down here!

Frustrating!!!! I know that the FamilySearch record says he is on this microfilm but it says To Be Continued!  Re-shelved it and went to Level 3 for Mondays with Myrt.
Pat and I during my session. It was great to catch-up.
After this I went for a walk, then back to my room and rechecked my research, yes I had it correct. Back into the library and with some perseverance I found the entry I wanted.
Dinner at the Blue Lemon ended my day. That is a different blog post.
Tuesday and I was at the library, just as they opened the door. Mel and Kerry walked over with me. 

This is my microfilm station. Now down to business.
This roll contains information that is going to excite the Magill side of the family. No not telling here, yet I have to let them know first.

Microfilm readers and microfilm storage.

Lots and lots of microfilms.

Three more rolls and some success.
One roll gave me not just one child BUT three others. Full names, dates of birth and dates of baptisms. Thrilled.
One roll was of a book damaged by fire and water. Unreadable and I couldn't confirm the details.
The third roll, wasn't the right person. Doesn't hurt to check.

Two more views of B2.  Busy today as more people arrive for RootsTech.
To Be Continued.
(thanks Jill for the photo of Pat and I.)


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