Saturday at RootsTech.

I started Saturday with a quick walk around Temple Square. I wasn't going to take photos as I was here, last year, then I went, 'yeah but there was snow last year and there isn't now! Go take photos!'
So I did.
Last year this are was covered in snow and you couldn't tell was under it. Well while the plants are snow free, they have a while to go before Spring.
The contrast is beautiful, from last year.
This tree, last year looked like a Christmas tree, full of snow.
                                                   It is a beautiful shape.
                                          The pansies are struggling and bulbs have started to push through the soil.

I used the tree, covered in snow, as my banner photo, for a while. Looks a bit different, now.
I did find a patch of snow, hidden from the sun and I left my mark.
Then into the Conference Centre.
While I don't think the crowd, on Saturday, was a big as last year, these photos show what it was like/

I did two sessions, today.  The first was on Irish Research; Using Online Resources. While it was good, there seems to be an overlap, with these talks and it covered similar ground to another, that was on at the same time. It did confirm that I am using what is around!.
After a hot chocolate, at Starbucks, with Carole Steers, we both went back for a final session.
 I did Genealogy; A Qualified Profession?  More an open forum, it was good and we all agreed that there needs to be either a set of standards or a body that recognises the qualifications we have worked hard to obtain. Bruce is thinking long term, for those just starting out now.
Well RootsTech is over for 2017. I won't make 2018 as Congress, in Sydney is in March, but there is always 2019!
Bye for now,



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