The People You Meet.

Last year I was a newbie at RootsTech. While I meet new people and have kept in touch with many, via Facebook, it is hard to know what it will be like when you meet up again.  Well by the amount of hugs and kisses I got, it was like we had seen each other frequently. Conversations ranged from family, to genealogy, book, travel and everything in between.

Below are photos of new friends and old. I have realised, again, what a wonderful family genealogy and blogging is. You have friends everywhere! 

Thanks everyone for a wonderful RootsTech. Tell we meet again, take care.
                                                               Bye, Lilian.


  1. It was so great to meet you!!!! So glad you enjoyed the class.

  2. Hope to see you before another #Rootstech ��

  3. Lots of familiar and happy faces there at #RootsTech2017. See you at Congress 2018.

  4. Great to catch up again and looking forward to the next conference when we catch up again.


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