Conference, Day 3

All good things must come to an end, likewise the 32nd Annual Conference but not before we had three more excellent speakers.

I started my morning, very early, 5.50 and was booked out and at Camden by 6.55, for breakfast. Nothing open, except McDonalds. By 7.30 there was a cafe open and I had, had a good walk around the area.

Andrew Gildea, from Finders Cafe, gave an interesting talk about Finders Cafe. No, not a coffee shop but a Global Social History Project.   The aim is for us to upload images to Preserve+Protect=the Share them. Have a look at the website and see what you think. I haven't looked, yet.

You, too, could be a Lacemaker of Calais, by Gillian Kelly was next and I went, not interested in lacemaking. Boy was I wrong! While I don't have any on my tree, I learnt about them and was fascinated. Google Lacemakers of Calais and explore. Very interesting.

Jody Tayor, finished the day with an explanation of how AncestryDNA works and the benefits for genealogists. I have done mine thought Family Tree DNA and had it confirm what I had discovered.

An interesting and informative weekend. Below are some more photos.


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