Rootstech 2022

Rootstech 2022 Back on 2016 I attended my first Rootstech conference and was blown away by the sheer size of it. The immense number of talks, presentations , key note speakers and the vendor hall. I LOVED IT! I made new friends, saw old ones, learnt heaps and then spent the next 10m days exploring parts of Nevada and California. 2017 saw me back in Salt Lake City and my second Rootstech, this time I paced myself and didn't try and cram everything in. 2018 and 2019 had me getting up very early for the online sessions as I didn't get to attend, in person, those two years, but I still had fun and learnt heaps. 2020 and even though Covid-19 was around, I ventured across the Pacific Ocean, to attend in person. It was wonderful to be hugged by friends, catch-up for a meal and a chat, venture out to Antelope Island and the Spiral Jetty and to walk around Salt Lake City, looking at the beautiful murals. I was even fortunate to be given four DNA kits from four companies as a 't...