Trying to find Connections, Part 3.

It is still a waiting game, for relpies to my Ancestry messages. (Insert a sigh, here.)

I had Shelley Crawford from Connected DNA, re-do my matches, but only as far down as 30 cM's and I'm thrilled with the results.
This is what Shelley does, she finds connections.

The first picture is what she did for me, back in January, using all of my Ancestry DNA matches, then.
                                                                                                   This is 654 nodes and 1,524 edges.

As you can see it is FULL of connections, making it difficult to see exactly what is what.

This one is this week and only to 30 cM's.

                                                                                                      This is 80 nodes and 269 edges.

It looks sparce but with the names on it, I can see EXACTLY which is my Paternal side and which is my Maternal side. My Maternal is the small cluster, with the green and red.  My Paternal side is the big bit.
I'm now working through the names, checking their Cm's and working out who to contact, next.

As with Ancestry, you can now add groups, I've been going back through them and re-checking. I've also added notes, to remind myself what I've done and when and how the person is or might be related.

Watch this space!


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