Trying to Find Connections, Part 2

I realise not everyone reading this knows how BIG my search field is. SO, My great-grandparents, Thomas Abberton and Mary Torpy had 15 children, 13 reach adult hood, 11 married and had large families. This is what I'm trolling through.

Well, I've heard back from CH, he is related but he hasn't got back to me with his shared, if any cM's with my big match, DM. sigh.

I haven't been idle and have contacted four more close matches. One I know is from the the eldest of the 15 and I don't think a match. Why? Well I also know two other ladies, PB and MW and they don't match DM.  Not totally crossing that link off, yet.

I also contacted both SB and GA, both I know are on my Grandparents line. GA shares 282 cM's with DL, close.  SB is checking for me.

I've also used Blaine  T Bettinger's relationship charts to try and work out the connection.

Here is the link to Part 1.

From here I'm playing a waiting game, seeing who gets back to me. SB asked for help as she didn't know how to check shared Cm's.

I have also contacted Shelly Crawford, from ConnectedDNA, to re-do my Ancestry links, owing to the new, close links that have been added. I think this will help narrow it down, some more. Fingers crossed.

Well that's how it is so far.


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