
Showing posts from March, 2019

Something Different.

Today I'm going to share links to some of my fellow bloggers posts. I really enjoy reading others' posts and they range from a very new blogger to seasoned ones, so enjoy.     Duncan Grant's Churches of Tasmania is a quirkey blog that is so informative. Who knew that  Tasmania has so many different and interesting churches. Duncan's lastest post is number 372 and there is more to come. (373 hit the site as I was writing this.)   Judy G Russell, is a retired lawyer, hence the name of her blog but it is often anything but legal.  The lastes post is about Private Laws and I suggest you have a read as I had no idea such things existed.  Teresa Bentos is a 'baby' blogger haven written her first post only last month. Teresa is writing, what will be a very interesting book, about a big part of her nursing life. No spoilers, read the blog for why sh...

Finding Family

(names have been changed, for privacy.) Thirty-four years ago, I started this crazy, exciting, sometimes frustrating genealogy journey. This is part of that journey and one I am thrilled to have taken. My Dad, Matthew A, had been married and had three children, before he was widowed and then re-married, to my Mum.  Those three children have been a big part of my research, for most of that time. (They were all adults, when he re-married and I never met them.) During the 1980's I did meet the husband, Trevor, of one of the daughters, Patricia and two of their children, Kyle and Tess. I was then told that there were three other children, Maggie, Trevor Jnr and Alice, but they had been adopted out.  I spent many hours searching for them but being in the 'present', had no luck. Fast forward to November 2018 and the Society of Australian Genealogists, Lost in DNA weekend. Jill Ball said to me, you need to do an Ancestry DNA test, before you go to Birmingham, you will find...

Women's History Month 2019. My Grandmother and Great-Grandmother.

For Womenā€™s' History Month, 2019 I pondered who I could celebrate?  My maternal grandmother and great-grandmother are my choice. Isabella Mary Ann Vaughan was born 18 September 1847 [1] , to Henry Vaughan and Charlotte Chasmar  and baptised on 3 October 1847, at St Philip's, Sydney. On 11 October 1866 [2] Isabella married William Martin, at St Andrews Church, Sydney and the marriage is announced in three Sydney papers.  William and Isabella have eight children between 1867 and 1879. Isabella is widowed, sometime after 1879. On 6 May 1883 [3] , at the Congregational Church, Glebe, Isabella re-married, to August Frederick Conrad Jasper. August and Isabella have four children, three of whom die. Eveline Maud Jasper was born on 3 April 1885 [4] at Sydney Street, Macdonaldtown, to August and Isabella.  On 30 December 1908 [5] , at St Stephenā€™s, Newtown, she marries Arthur Alfred Victor Galbraith.  They have 10 children, five of whom are still liv...

Books I Use, March 2019 A New History of the Irish in Australia.

This is my choice for this month a new book that was published in 2018. I found this book to be a very interesting read and it gave me a better perspective, as to what my Irish ancestors might have gone through. The book has two sections and a total of 10 chapters, with an introduction and an epilogue. Section One, covers Race and looks at the Irish and their interaction with both Indigenous Australians and the Chinese. It also looks a various immigation schemes. Section Two covers Stereotypes, looking a such things as employment, crime and politics. Elizabeth Malcom and Dianne Hall have written a clear and consice history, which is easy to read and explains the way things were. I purchased my copy from Gould Genealogy & History,     for $34.95, plus postage. I would recommend this book for anyone with Irish ancestors. Bye for now, Lilian.