
Showing posts from November, 2018

Trove Tuesday

I spent time playing around on the Ryerson Index, today and that led me to  a notice in Trove. The Forbes Advocate (NSW 1911-1954), dated Friday 17 March 1944. on page 1 had this lovely tribute to my Uncle Tommy. Uncle Tommy, in more care free times.

A Winge

Well, for the past four weeks I posted questions, about my blog, leading up to my blogaversary. I thought, 'why not give my readers a chance to win a prize?'  NO ONE has sent in any answers.  (Even checked the Spam folder.) NO ONE said Happy Blogaversary, even though I had a request for all my details, so they knew when it was.

Fourth Question in the Quiz

Question 4. When was my first post?   [Only clue 2010] Now you have all the questions, here is the Email address to send them answers to.      Please put QUIZ in the subject line. Good Luck. Bue for now, Lilian

Third Question in the Quiz

Question 3. What was parked on the street?  [8/2/2017] Bye for now, Lilian

Second Question in the Quiz

Qusetion 2 Where did I have dinner?     [25/2/2016] Bye for now, Lilian.

Lost in DNA Weekend Part 2.

Sunday morning dawned grey and cool but nothing would keep intreped genealogists returning to the conference centre, for more DNA talks. I woke early, as is my habit and went for a walk along the forshore of Darling Harbour. This was my view and in amongst the trees, at the back of the photo I spotted this. I'm now on a quest to find out what is it about. The building, opposite my hotel has a very interesting design.  Early morning, on Sydney Harbour. Goat Island is to the right, the yellow shed and Bald's Head, is in the distance, Sunrise was peaking through the clouds and buildings as I made my way back to the hotel and to get organised for the day. Day two of our "Lost In' weekend had the room filling earlier than on Saturday, as we were all aeger to learn more. Heather Garnsey was today's chair and she also gave a short talk on how she broke one of her brick walls, using DNA, but did it?   Louise Coakley was ...

Lost in DNA Weekend Part 1. (my 600th post)

Now the title of this post might have you scratching your head and wondering, 'what is she going on about?'  But if you belong to the Society of Australian Genealogists,   you will know what I'm talking about. Twice a year the Society has 'Lost In' weekends, covering a wide range of topics, some are face-to-face and some are webinars. Both are great. This past weekend was held at the Portside Conference Centre, Sydney, on Saturday and Sunday. Some of the group, early on Saturday morning. The room was filled, both days. The topic for the weekend was DNA and whilst we aren't NCIS Agents, looking for a killer, we are still trying to find that elusive ancestor, who is just out of our reach. Or so they thought! Saturday was a warm, humid day in Sydney, just the sort of day you want, when digging for ancestors. The Society had put together a varied program, so that novices and experts were covered. Martyn Killion was our chair and sta...

My Blogaversary Month Quiz,

 This month is my anniversary of my joining the world of blogging.  For the next four (4) Thursdays I am going to post a question and give a clue as to where the answer might be found. What you have to do is find the answer and the in the LAST post there will be the instructions on how to enter, to win the prize. In the LAST post I will give my email address and the FIRST CORRECT enrty will win. I will be checking the date and time, to be fair.  The prize can only be used in Australia, sorry but it works better for me to do it that way. Drum Roll. Question 1. Where did I go and what did I do?    [look at 23/5/2014] Good Luck. Bye for now, Lilian.

12 Ancestors in 12 Months: Joan Violet SIGRIST.

Born 19 November 1920, Died 4 November 1994. Joan was the second daughter of Frederick Sigrist and Elsie Ironside. As a young child, she suffered the loss of her father, when she was six months old and her mother, when she was three. Her and Edna were ā€˜fosteredā€™ by family members.                                            Joan, as a toddler. She travelled to England, where she worked for a while. Joan was a draughtswoman and she drew the maps for the book, The Sleeping City. The Story of the Rookwood Necropolis.  Joan was also involved with the ā€˜Friends of Rookwoodā€™, giving tours and taking photos. Taking photos, opera and ballet were her hobbies. She loved the Joan Sutherland. She also painted and one of her works hangs on our lounge room wall. When Joan died in 1994, she was cremated and her ashes are in a special rose garden at Rookwood. (Joan was ...