
Showing posts from December, 2017

12 Ancestors in 12 Months

Several of my friends do a blog called 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, me I'm not that organised, so for the next 12 months I'm going to pick an ancestor a month and tell you about them. I will use the month of their birth as my selection guide. Sometimes there might be two but I am looking forward to sharing them with you. Stay tuned, the first one will be on Monday. Happy New Year, Lilian.

Accentuate the Positive Geneameme 2017

Every year GenieAus, Jill Ball, looks at the positives in her year and asks fellow Genies to do the same. Here is my list, I only missed four in the 20. 1)       An elusive ancestor I found was ; I havenā€™t added any new ancestor, this year, but Iā€™ve continued to add information to most ancestors. 2)       A great newspaper article I found was; Searching for something else, I found a small notice for the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Paulā€™s great, great-grandparents, Frederick James Ironside and Martha Amelia Bird. 3)       A geneajourney I took was;   I wrote and published a small family history book on the Vaughan/Chasmar side. 4)       An important record I found was; Searching FamilySearch I found what could have been the birth of Paulā€™s great-grandfather, Samuel Magill. While I was in Salt Lake City, I used the Family History Library and confirmed that it was him. ...

Interesting Times Ahead for My Blog

I have some interesting things planned for my blog, in 2018 and I hope you will like them. Several of my friends do a blog where they write about one ancestor a week, 52 ancestors in 52 weeks.  I'm not quite that proficient, so starting in January I'm going to pick one ancestor a month and write up their bio. If I have a photo, that will go in too. March is Congress month and I will be blogging all about that. I am so looking forward to catching-up with my Genie Mates. June will see an A-Z run of blogs, with each one being associated with the letter of the day. I won't do Sundays, so I will have just the right amount of days. I'm working on this one, now and am having so much fun. November is the month of my Blogiversary, and I am working on a surprise for one lucky reader. Have some questions to ask of someone, first. More as November drawers closer. I have a research trip planned, this is for my next book, so that will be blogged about. Plus all my usual stu...

SAG Writing Discussion Group and an Interesting Booklet.

Thursday saw out last writing group for 2017 and Sue, the co-ordinator stepping down. She felt that after four years, it was time for someone else. That someone will be me. Helen presented o wonderful talk on the finer points of writing. Things we use but sometimes make mistakes with, numbers, dates, contractions, etc. Taken from the Style manual, it had us discussing how things should be written. This is the Style manual, well worth getting a copy of. I was asked to present Sue with her gift, a voucher from SAG and a posy of flowers. Sue has worked hard to get the group started and to keep it going. It is a wonderful group.  Lunch was at the National Trust house, S H Ervin Gallery, in its cafĆ©. A lovely way to end the year. I am a member of the Genealogical Society of Victoria, (GSV), and in the last journal I saw this little booklet reviewed. By Meg Bate, May 2017, it contains important dates in the history of Victoria, starting in 1803. It also men...

My Ancestoral Occupation Geneameme.

Several days ago, Sharn White wrote a blog post, where she listed her ancestorā€™s occupations. Her list was great and it got me thinking about what my ancestors did to earn a crust. And what constitutes an occupation? The Collins English Dictionary gives the meaning of Occupation as; 1) a personā€™s regular work or profession; 2) any activity on which time is spent by a person. The Thesaurus lists these words, activity, business, calling, craft, employment, job, post, profession, pursuit, trade, vocation, work, that can be used instead of occupation. Looking at my list, I have many ladies involved in Home Duties, one Wife of a Broker, an occupation listed as Private Life. Then there is the Farmerā€™s Son and the Farmerā€™s Daughter, both given as occupations. My list has gaps in places, with no occupations for K, O, Q, U, V, X, Y or Z. Sharnā€™s gave places for some but mine are all taken from my Australian certificates. I think it is an interesting list. A-Z of Occupations. ...