My Ancestoral Occupation Geneameme.

Several days ago, Sharn White wrote a blog post, where she listed her ancestor’s occupations. Her list was great and it got me thinking about what my ancestors did to earn a crust. And what constitutes an occupation?

The Collins English Dictionary gives the meaning of Occupation as; 1) a person’s regular work or profession; 2) any activity on which time is spent by a person.

The Thesaurus lists these words, activity, business, calling, craft, employment, job, post, profession, pursuit, trade, vocation, work, that can be used instead of occupation.

Looking at my list, I have many ladies involved in Home Duties, one Wife of a Broker, an occupation listed as Private Life. Then there is the Farmer’s Son and the Farmer’s Daughter, both given as occupations.

My list has gaps in places, with no occupations for K, O, Q, U, V, X, Y or Z. Sharn’s gave places for some but mine are all taken from my Australian certificates. I think it is an interesting list.

A-Z of Occupations.

A – Agent, Accountant, Auctioneer.

B - Bee Farmer, Blacksmith, Baker, Broker, Bookkeeper, Boot maker x3, Bill Discounter.

C – Cashier, Carter, Contractor, Carpenter, Cabinet Maker, Canteen Assistant, Coach Builder, Compositor.

D – Drainer, Domestic Servant, Dressmaker x3.

E – Engineer x2, Estate Agent, Electrician.

F – Farmer x10, Forman, Fitter and Turner, Fettler, Ferry Company Employee.

G – Gold Miner, Gentleman, Gentlewoman, Grocer, Grazier.

H – Hatter, House Keeper, Hairdresser, Hotel Keeper, House and Land Agent, Head Reader, Government Printing Office.

I – Inn Keeper.

J – Jeweller.

L – Leather Worker, Logger and a legion of Labourers.

M – Miner x5, Money Broker, Mechanic, Master Baker, Merchant.

N – Naval Signalman.

P – Painter, Porter, Postal Employee, Printer x2, Plate Layer, Plasterer, Plastic Moulder, Public School Teacher, ( as opposed to just a teacher!)
R – Road Contractor x2.

S – Shoe Maker x4, Store Keeper, Seaman, Ship’s Steward, Stud Groom, School Teacher x2, Settler, Soldier, Stenographer, Servant, Surveyor, Shop Assistant x2.

T – Tramway Employee, Telegraphist, Tailor x2, Telephone Mechanic.

W – Wagon Driver, Weaver, Wine Merchant.

What different occupations did your ancestors have?

Bye for now,



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